Vol. 15 No. 18 – 28 (2024): Monthly variation in the physicochemical parameters of lake Laiko, NigerState
This study investigated the monthly variation in the physicochemical attributes of Lake Laiko in Niger
State, with the aim of using these parameters as indicators of the water integrity. Water samples were
collected from September 2019 to August 2020, between 6:00 to 9: 00 in the morning and 4: 00 to 6:
00 in the evening. Water samples were randomly collected from four stations 200m apart every month
along the lake. Various physicochemical parameters including temperature, turbidity, conductivity,
total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, and
nutrient concentrations were analyzed using Analysis of Variance followed by Duncan multiple Range
Test which was employed to separate means of parameter with significant differences. Pearson
correlation coefficient was used to establish the relationship among the physicochemical parameters.
Analysis was assumed significant at P<0.05. Analysis was carried out using Microsoft excel, 2010, and
Statistical Packages for Social Sciences, 20th version. The results revealed significant variations in these
parameters across different months, with implications for the ecological dynamics and water quality
of the lake. Temperature showed very weak positive correlation with turbidity (0.114), conductivity
(0.137), P (0.124), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (0.34), N (0.042) and negative weak
correlation with DT (-0.060), TSS (-0.165) and TDS (-0.070) respectively. Similarly, there was weak
positive correlation between Turbidity, and conductivity (0.035). Total dissolve solid also show weak
negative correlation with Ph (-0.023), Dept (DT) (-0.07), P-0.179) and N (-0.359) respectively. There
was very weak correlation between BOD and Temperature, BOD and conductivity was significant. The
study provides valuable insights into the seasonal variations of physicochemical parameters in Lake
Laiko, emphasizing the importance of monitoring and understanding these variations for effective lake
management and conservation. The moderate level of the measured parameters is an indication of the
good integrity of the lake for the survival of its bio community.