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Phytochemical Screening and antibacterial activity of the leaf extract of Adansonia digitata against Eschericia coli and Staphylococcus aureus
Vol. 15 No. 134 - 142 (2024)The phytochemical analysis and antibacterial activity of methanol and chloroform leaf extracts
of Adansonia digitata on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were carried out using
disc diffusion method. The clinical bacterial isolates of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus
aureus were obtained from General Hospital Biu, Borno State Nigeria. The phytochemical
analysis of the methanol extract revealed the presence of аlkaloids, saponins and tannins while
the chloroform revealed the presence of alkaloids and saponins. The antibiotic showed a wide
range of inhibition which ranged between (24.0mm to 18.0 mm) and (26.0mm to 20.0 mm)
Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus respectively, followed by the chloroform leaf
extract of Adansonia digitata with (18.0mm to 10.0 mm) and (14.0mm to 9.0 mm) against
Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus respectively. Methanol extract had a zone of
inhibition of (16.0 to 11.0 mm) and (13.0 to 8.0 mm) against Staphylococcus aureus at 100
mg/ml to 25 mg/ml concentrations respectively. The result of the MIC was revealed at 75
mg/ml and 100 mg/ml on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus while the minimum
bactericidal concentration shows the presence of turbidity at both the concentrations.
Therefore, the Adensonia digitata leaves would be recommended for the treatment of any
disease caused by Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. -
Impact of improved soil physico-chemical parameters on nematode population dynamics.
Vol. 14 No. 83-93 (2023)Plant growth relies on soil nutrients. An agricultural soil's ability to remain viable is largely
dependent on its physicochemical characteristics, which can be restored through artificial or
natural fertilizer. When added to the soil as amendments, waste for soil enhancement can
positively impact soil physicochemical parameters and active associations, reducing
pathogen populations in cultivated fields. A study to determine the impact of improved soil
physico-chemical parameters on nematode population dynamics was conducted using raw
poultry filters. Soil sampling was done prior and post improvement of soil physicochemical
features by parasitological technique. Soil was collected using a modified soil auger on 0-15
cm depth. The extraction of nematode was done using the modified sieve plate technique and
nematodes were identified using nematode pictorial key. Sampling before the improvement
of the physicochemical parameters of soil revealed a total of 216 nematodes from 8 genera
while post application of composited poultry droppings had a total of 601 nematodes from
16 genera. High dynamics on nematode population was reported from the experimented plot
after the improvement of soil physiochemical parameters on application of composited
poultry droppings. This observation is indicative that improvement of soil physicochemical
features impact positively on nematode propagation. The study also noticed that the
populations of phyto-parasitic nematodes decrease as omnivorous and predatory nematodes
reports a reasonable increase in the soil post soil improvement, which depicts that the use of
omnivorous nematodes, if properly sourced, may fit in as an alternative option in the
management and control of plant feeding species of nematodes in the soil.
Effect of Malathion Insecticide Application on Immature Duration of Development of Beans Weevil (Callosobrochus maculatus) raised on Insecticide-treated Seeds in Storage
Vol. 15 No. 106- 115 (2024)Study was conducted to determine the time of commencement of life stages and duration of
time spend in each immature life stages of beans weevil (Callosobrochus maculatus) raised
on insecticide-treated grains in storage. White cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) was obtained
from Minna Central market, sowed during 2016 raining season without applying any
insecticide/pesticide in order to clear the beans seed from potential chemical processing
during storage. The experimental design was completely randomized, involving 7 test, 2 as
control (positive and negative controls) and the remaining 5 were treated with varying
concentration of malathion insecticide prior to commencement of the study. Results wererecorded for two phases of immature life stages with larval and pupal stages having sub-
stages of development. The results further revealed that the time of commencement of nextlife stage from previous once were significantly (P = 0.05) faster in days with decrease in
insecticide concentrations in storage. In another development, there was significant increase
in the duration (days) egg spend before hatching, from the maximum time allowed for
oviposition uniformly (5.00±0.00 and 4.00±0.00 days for highest and lowest insecticide
application) respectively, as the concentration of insecticide increases. More so, total larval
duration (TLD) and total immature duration (TID) also varied significantly as the former
(15.00±0.00 and 18.00±0.00 days for TLD and 21.00±0.00 and 24.00±0.00 days for TID)
respectively, although there was no significant difference in total pupal duration (TPD)
(6.00±0.00 days) among weevils raised in all treatments. This result is an indication that,
insecticide in storage could affect egg hatching and larval developmental duration within the
beans seed. This information if articulated, can serve as early warning signals/biomarker of
grains treated with abused insecticide concentration for consumers and stakeholders of
cowpea and the knowledge can be applied to other stored product having similar immature
development process. -
Distribution and diversity indices of principal vectors (Bulinus Spp) of Schistosomiasis at Farms in Doko Community, Lavun, Niger State
Vol. 15 No. 116 - 123 (2024)Distribution and diversity indices of principal vectors (Bulinus spp) of Schistosomiasis at
farms in Doko community, Lavun, Niger State was investigated in the year 2023.
Schistosomiasis is human infectious disease which results from penetration of the cercariae
of Schistosoma spp. through the skin. Farmers Survey as a first step measure was conducted
at the locality, farm type, abundance was observed from their farms, there was limited faring
activity within the sampling period. Aestivating snail samples were collected from soil
samples by excavating the soil at a shallow depth of 3cm (30 x 30cm), at three randomly
selected points, in each sampling site, more so, hand picking of available surface snails was
done simultaneously at three randomly selected points, in each sampling site. Through the
survey, it was established that, snail abundance was more at rice field farm, vegetable farms
and others respectively, with ability of aestivating during early dry season. Results revealed
significant variation in conductivity and water hardness, with rice farm water recording
significantly higher conductivity and hardness (290±22.46 μS/cm and 58.33±1.29 mg/ml)
respectively. Evenness diversity indices revealed that snail in vegetable farms had the
rearrests species distribution followed by others and Rice farm had the highest with the
following evenness index value of 0.9259, 0.9165 and 0.8231 respectively. More so, Eigen
value also revealed 82.95 and 17.05 % influence of environmental factors on the distribution
of the snails in the selected farms. Conclusively the study revealed a strong association of
availability of potential snail vector of schistosomiasis at various farms studied, which could
serve as a serious public health treat to the control of Schistosomiasis in the locality. -
Vol. 15 No. 97- 105 (2024)Floral and molecular characterizations of two morphotypes of Caesalpinia pulcherrima were
undertaken in this study. The sampled plants were growing in three different locations as
ornamentals within Ilorin metropolis, Kwara State. Leaf and floral samples were obtained and
transported to the laboratory of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Federal University, Oye Ekiti
where the floral characteristics (numbers of the floral leaves, their lengths and colours; the
fertility of the pollens, their diameter and their production per anther and also per flower)
were evaluated. Molecular analyses were also done at the Bioscience Center, Institute of
Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, following standard procedures. The variegated red type has red
coloured petals with yellow fringes while its sepal is tinged red. Its pedicels and ovule are
green coloured while its style, anther and the filaments were all red coloured. The yellow type
had yellowish petals and sepals, its pedicels and ovules are also green while the style, anther
and the filaments were all yellow coloured. The petals and the sepals in the two morphotypes
were five each; the pedicel, ovule and style for the flower were one each while the number of
anthers and filaments were 10 for each. The lengths of pedicels (variegated red, 2.98cm;
yellow, 1.86cm), styles (variegated red, 4.18cm; yellow, 2.94cm) and the filaments (variegated
red, 3.98cm; yellow, 2.90cm) were significantly different in the two morphotypes. Their pollen
diameters showed no significant differences while the pollens produced per anther (red,
3765.0; yellow, 3860.25) and pollen produced per flower (red, 37650; yellow, 38602.5)
showed significant differences between the two types. Their pollen fertilities (red, 77.5%;
yellow, 75.9%) were also statistically different. Molecular assays using bar code method also
revealed marked differences in their phylogenetic relationships. This study helps to
understand the importance of the floral features in plant diversity studies, in plant adaptation,
identification and classification. -
Assessment of Medicinal Plants used for the Treatment of Cough in Abeokuta- South Local Government Area of Ogun State
Vol. 15 No. 88 - 96 (2024)Cough which is a symptom of respiratory illness affect people of all ages and medicinal plants
have been used for treatment of various ailments for ages. However, indigenous knowledge
about medicinal plants is slowly disappearing because of lack of documentation of these
precious endowments. This study was carried out to document medicinal plants that are used
for cough in Abeokuta-South local government of Ogun State. Fifty respondents which
comprised the herb sellers and traditional healers were interviewed on plants, plants partsand mode of preparation of the plants use for cough. Data obtained was subjected to ethno-
botanical indices which are Relative Frequency of Citation (RFC) and Use value (UV). A totalnumber of 25 plants from 19 families were used for the treatment of cough. The RFC for all
plants species ranged from 0.04 – 0.38. The most frequently mentioned plants were
Anacardium occidentale (0.38), Cola acuminata (0.30) and Garcinia kola (0.28). Other plants
recorded in this study are Abrus precatorius, Aframomum melegueta and Ficus exasperata.
The highest use value was recorded in Adansonia digitata (0.16), Allium sativum (0.12) and
Alstonia boonei (0.12). Leaves were the dominant part used for the treatment of cough. The
modes of preparation were concoction, decoction and maceration while the mode of
administration is orally. The represented plant species belong to family Amaryllidaceae,
Malvaceae, Apocynaceae and Fabaceae. This study revealed the diversity of plant species used
for the treatment of cough and the inventory contributes to database of valuable plant
resources in Nigeria. -
A review on phage therapy
Vol. 15 No. 73- 87 (2023)The world's health is currently under threat from antibiotic resistance, as more and more
infections become practically impossible to treat or extremely difficult to manage. As a result
of this circumstance, there are now more illnesses, deaths, and financial obligations. One
intriguing treatment option among the many approaches to combat antibiotic resistance is the
use of bacteriophages, viruses that infect and kill bacteria. Despite its initiation almost a
century ago, phage therapy faced a setback following the successful introduction of antibiotics.
However, in the current landscape marked by rising antibiotic resistance, phage therapy is
experiencing resurgence. This review provides an overview of phage therapy starting with its
historical origins dating back to the early 20th century, it discusses the mechanism of phage
action, results of human clinical trials, also addressing the significant barriers hindering the
use of phages in clinical settings. Finally, this review discusses future directions and
opportunities for integrating phage therapy into clinical practice. -
Prevalence and Antibiotic Resistance Profile of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolated from Patients attending Selected Federal Hospitals in Parts of North Central Nigeria
Vol. 15 No. 43- 60 (2024)The study investigated the prevalence and antibiotic resistance profile of Streptococcus
pneumoniae, within the study area. The screening of 768 specimens collected from the study
areas revealed that, 29.2% of the samples were positive for Streptococcus pneumoniae, while
Klebsiella pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Moraxella catarrhalis were identified in
10.2%, 14.8%, and 10% of the samples, respectively. Additionally, Haemophilus influenzae,
Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were observed in 4.4%,
19.9%, 8.2%, and 3.3% of the samples, respectively. The prevalence rate of S. pneumoniae
within the study locations were 30.6%, 26.1%, 29.2% and 31.5% from UATH, Keffi, Bida and
Lokoja centres respectively. The highest antibiotic resistance rates shown by Streptococcus
pneumoniae were observed against the more frequently consumed antibiotics such as
cefotaxime, ampicillin, tetracycline, co-trimoxazole, with average resistance rates of 53.8%,
53.7%, 53.7%, and 53% respectively. Conversely, the lowest resistance rates of 11.3%, 33%
and 37.5% were observed against levofloxacin, cephalexin and linezolid, respectively. The
study observed an average multidrug resistance rate (MDR) of 59.7% with the highest MDR
rate of 69.02% recorded from Gwagwalada center. Analysis, of infection rates by age
distribution, showed that the highest infection rate was among the pediatric patients, below
5 years (74.2%), followed by the age bracket above 65 years (66.4%). There was a higher
infection rate among females (66.1%), compared to males (52.4%). Patients with tertiary
education exhibited a slightly lower infection rate of 24.6%, in contrast to 32.9% and 27 % for
those without formal education and with secondary education, respectively. Slightly higher
infections rates were observed in the months of December and January. This was probably due
to the cold, windy and drier weather condition, which encouraged sneezing by carriers and so
increasing chances of the disease spreading to healthy persons.
Keywords: Prevalence, demographic, pathogens, susceptibility, antibiotic resistance -
Effect of Extract of Senna alata (Candle bush Plant) on Some Haematological Indices of Wistar rats Infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei
Vol. 15 No. 61- 72 (2024)This study was carried out to investigate the effect of Senna alata on some haematological
indices of wistar rats infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei. Sofowora methods were
employed for phytochemical analysis to detect the presence of alkaloids, saponins, tannins,
flavonoids, carbohydrates, phenols steroids/terpenes and glycosides. Results revealed the
absence of steroids in all extracts, absence of saponins in petroleum ether and chloroform
extracts, absence of flavonoids only in petroleum ether extracts and presence of free
anthraquinones only in chloroform extract. Post infection treatment of animals stirred the
emergence of parasitaemia by Day 3. Only wistar rats receiving 200mg/kgb.wt of chloroform
extract survived by day 16. PCV and haemoglobin concentration (Hb) decreased significantly
(P<0.05) for the infected not treated group. Also, Infected-treated groups recorded the lowest
PCV (30.4%) and Hb (10.1g/dl) in wistar rats receiving aqueous extract on day 12. Highest
change in WBC (from 6.2X 103 /μl to 1.32X 104 /μl) was recorded in group receiving
200mg/kgb.wt of chloroform extract.. These results thereby demonstrate ameliorative
potentials of the extracts of Senna alata extract in some haematological indices of wistar rats
infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei. Keywords: Trypanosomiasis, Phytochemicals,
Haematology, Senna alata -
A review on antibiotics removal during biological waste water treatment
Vol. 15 No. 29- 42 (2024)The elimination of antibiotics from wastewater is a critical process aimed at alleviating
environmental pollution and safeguarding public health. Different ways and technologies such
as advanced oxidation processes, membrane filtration, biological treatment and antibiotics
chemical treatment are employed to effectively eliminate antibiotics from wastewater. In
addition to safeguarding human health from any potential negative consequences linked to
water sources tainted with antibiotics, this is crucial to stopping the spread of antibiotic
resistance in natural ecosystems, such as farmlands and water bodies. Antibiotics removal
from wastewater is not without its difficulties. One of such difficulty is the antibiotics' escape
during the treatment of organic waste water. Regular processes like organic filtration,
coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation cannot eliminate antibiotics completely. The use
of modern biotechnological discoveries such as nanotechnology is needed for complete
removal of antibiotics from waste water. -
Monthly variation in the physicochemical parameters of lake Laiko, NigerState
Vol. 15 No. 18 – 28 (2024)This study investigated the monthly variation in the physicochemical attributes of Lake Laiko in Niger
State, with the aim of using these parameters as indicators of the water integrity. Water samples were
collected from September 2019 to August 2020, between 6:00 to 9: 00 in the morning and 4: 00 to 6:
00 in the evening. Water samples were randomly collected from four stations 200m apart every month
along the lake. Various physicochemical parameters including temperature, turbidity, conductivity,
total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, and
nutrient concentrations were analyzed using Analysis of Variance followed by Duncan multiple Range
Test which was employed to separate means of parameter with significant differences. Pearson
correlation coefficient was used to establish the relationship among the physicochemical parameters.
Analysis was assumed significant at P<0.05. Analysis was carried out using Microsoft excel, 2010, and
Statistical Packages for Social Sciences, 20th version. The results revealed significant variations in these
parameters across different months, with implications for the ecological dynamics and water quality
of the lake. Temperature showed very weak positive correlation with turbidity (0.114), conductivity
(0.137), P (0.124), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (0.34), N (0.042) and negative weak
correlation with DT (-0.060), TSS (-0.165) and TDS (-0.070) respectively. Similarly, there was weak
positive correlation between Turbidity, and conductivity (0.035). Total dissolve solid also show weak
negative correlation with Ph (-0.023), Dept (DT) (-0.07), P-0.179) and N (-0.359) respectively. There
was very weak correlation between BOD and Temperature, BOD and conductivity was significant. The
study provides valuable insights into the seasonal variations of physicochemical parameters in Lake
Laiko, emphasizing the importance of monitoring and understanding these variations for effective lake
management and conservation. The moderate level of the measured parameters is an indication of the
good integrity of the lake for the survival of its bio community. -
Vol. 14 No. 47-54 (2023)The study compared growth performance of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings fed sweet potato leaf meal and rice bran as alternative feed meal. Five diets, that contain 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% inclusion levels were formulated and designated as SPM1 SPM2 SPM3 SPM4 SPM5 and RBM1 RBM2 RBM3 RBM4 RBM5. Highest initial weight in SPLM3 (50%) differ significantly (p>0.05) from SPLM1 (0%) while RBM4 (75%) can be compared to RBM1 (0%). Final weight and body weight gain follow similar trend with SPLM2 (50%) recorded highest, which differ significantly (p>0.05) with other diets. Decrease of SPLM inclusion level increase fish weight. Highest SGR in SPLM2 (25%) can be compared favorably with SPLM1 (0%) and other diets while RBM2 (25%) differ significantly (p>0.05) with RBM1 (0%). Diet SPLM5 (100%) can be compared with other diets in SGR with RBM3 (50%) that differ significantly (p>0.05) with only RBM1 (0%). Highest FE in SPLM1 (0%) can be compared favorably with SPLM3 (50%) and SPLM4 (75%) in feed acceptability. RBM5 (100%), which is highest differ significantly (p>0.05) with RBM1 (0%). Apart from RBM4 (75%) other diets were accepted by the fish. It is therefore recommended that 25% inclusion level of SPM should be used in the diet of C. gariepinus for better performance than even 75% inclusion of rice bran, study on lower inclusion level of SPM need to be carried out, this type of study need to carried out on other cultured species of fish such as Heterobranchus (catfish) and even Tilapia, study on the use of other processing methods of sweet potato leaf and rice bran for feed formulation should be carried out and this type of study need to be carried out in other culture system.
Impact of knowledge and usage of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets on malaria prevalence among Pregnant Women attending antenatal care, Dutse General Hospital, Jigawa State, Nigeria
Vol. 13 No. 51-61 (2022)Malaria in pregnancy is a major public health concern in Nigeria and is characterized with deleterious effects on both the mother and foetus. The current study elucidated the influence of knowledge and usage of long-lasting insecticidal net (LLINs) on malaria incidence among pregnant women attending antenatal care in Dutse General Hospital. A total of 150 blood samples was aseptically collected and subjected to malaria test using Giesma-microscopic procedure. Their demographic characteristic as well as their knowledge of mosquito net usage were assessed using well-structured questionnaire. Out of the 150 pregnant women enrolled in the study, 98 (65.33 %) were positive for malaria. The age group 26-35 years recorded the highest prevalence (69.33 %). The prevalence also varied with respect to the other demographic characteristics of the study participants. This study found that majority of respondents used Long-lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) as a measure to prevent malaria during pregnancy. The knowledge and use of LLIN as a preventive measure against malaria was relatively high among the participants in this study, though still below national target. There is therefore a need to strengthen the policy of malaria prevention education as an integral component with distribution of free LLIN in health care setting to enhance its utilization
Multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) index of some bacteria isolated from “JIKO” a herbal drink sold in some parts of Kaduna metropolis
Vol. 13 No. 43-50 (2022)The presence of antibiotics resistance bacteria associated with herbal drinks commonly consumed has been a major public health concern. This study aims at determining Multiple Antibiotic Resistance (MAR) Index from “JIKO” a herbal drink consumed in some parts of Kaduna metropolis. Twenty-six bacteria were isolated from JIKO obtained from Kakuri and Ungwan-Tanko using spread plate method. The isolated bacteria were screened against fifteen (15) antibiotics belonging to five different classes, namely, quinolones (ciprofloxacin, perfloxacin, sparfloxacin, ofloxacin), penicillin (ampiclox, amoxicillin, augmentin), cephalosporin (ceftazidine, cefuroxime), aminoglycosides (streptomycin, gemtamycin, septrin), microlides and others (chloramphenicol, erythromycin, nalidixic acid). The antibiotic susceptibility testing of the bacteria revealed that 19 out of the 26 bacteria recorded varying degrees of resistance. The MARI values ranged between 0.1-0.9. The results identified some MAR bacteria of public health concern.
Evaluation of selected accessions of Jute mallow (Corchorus olitorius L.) for agro-morphological traits in Nigeria
Vol. 13 No. 33-42 (2022)Jute mallow (Corchorus olitorius) is an important leafy vegetable widely grown in tropical and subtropical regions around the globe. Despite its widespread consumption in Nigeria, improved varieties are in short supply. This study investigated some growth and yield parameters of 26 jute mallow accessions in Nigeria. The experiment was conducted in 2020 rainy season, using randomised complete block design with three replicates. The data collected were subjected to analysis of variance and means separated using Student-Newman-Keuls test at p≤0.05. The study revealed significant morphological and yield differences among the evaluated jute mallow accessions. The accession NGB_00197 combined desirable plant height (64 – 74 cm) and leaf length (12 – 16 cm), just as NGB_00200 combined excellent leaf length (13 17 cm) with leaf diameter (6 8.5 cm). Moreover, NGB_00192 (46 cm), NGB_00193 (46 cm) and NGB_00195 (45.7 cm) performed excellently for stem diameter, whereas NGB_00225 exhibited a remarkable combination of leaf length (15 19 cm), leaf diameter (6 8.5 cm) and fruit diameter (2.5 cm). These jute mallow accessions could be developed into superior cultivars. Also, multi-location trials are essential to identify those that will exhibit specific or widespread adaptation. In the meantime, NGB 00225, which showed the most superior performance, is recommended for jute mallow farmers in the study area.
Review on needs assessment, design and establishment of self-sustaining fish farms
Vol. 13 No. 21-32 (2022)Across the world, aquaculture has been expressing significance influence on the sustainable health of community through nutrition, livelihood improvement and countries development. This triggered ichthyologist and other researchers to develop possible way of making aquaculture accessible and sustainable. Of various models and techniques for making aquaculture efficient; there is self-sustaining fish farm through integrated system. Therefore, the present review discussed various opinion from studies performed around various geographic areas about need assessment, design and establishment of sustainable fish farms. The required needs, possible design of structure and measures to consider and operational activities to make sure that the system is being more productive, have been discussed in this review. Furthermore, this review provided comparison of aquaculture in different countries of Africa where by Egypt, Uganda and Nigeria comes to the three top of fish producers in Africa respectively. Moreover, it is anticipated that this review will provide insights to the fish farmers, researchers, ichthyologist and policy makers on the possibilities of establishing reliable self-sustaining fish farm.
Phytochemical analysis and pH of ethanol extracts of selected Plants as Bactericide against Bacterial blight of Soybean (Glycine max L.) caused by Pseudomonas syringae
Vol. 13 No. 7-20 (2022)Ethanol Extracts of Allium sativum, Diospyrous mespiliformis and Bactericide (Z-Force solution) were subjected to pH and phytochemical susceptibility testing against bacterial blight of soybeans caused by Pseudomonas syringae. Ethanol Extracts of Allium sativum showed the highest mean pH values at (10.5) followed by Ethanol Extracts of Diospyrous mespiliformis at (7.1) which are both alkaline, while Z-Force solution showed the least mean pH values at (5.1) which is acidic on the pH scale. Ethanol extracts of Allium sativum (Bulb) showed the presence (+) of Alkaloids, Flavonoids, Glycoside, Phenols, Terpenoids, Saponins, Steroids and Tannins while ethanol extracts of Diospyrous mespiliformis (Root, Leaf and Stem) showed the presence (+) of Alkaloids, Saponins, Steroids and Tannins. Among all the plant extracts used in this studies, highest percentage composition was recorded in Allium sativum (Bulb) (Alkaloids, 4.39%). We recommended that extracts with wider pH and permeability rate such as ethanol extracts of Allium sativum and Diospyrous mespilifor
Vol. 14 No. 97-110 (2023)An abattoir is a place meant for the killing of animals and processing of meat for human use and consumption. Bioremediation potentials of some bacteria isolated from abattoir wastewater located within Kaduna metropolis, Nigeria were determined. The wastewater was collected and serially diluted, plated on nutrient agar for bacterial isolation using the pour plate isolation method. The isolates were identified according to their morphological, cultural and biochemical characteristics. The identified organisms included Escherichia coli, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella and Salmonella spp. The isolates were screened for biodegradation potential using the Mineral Salt Medium (MSM) for five days. Spectrophotometry was used to determine the optical density of the bacterial growth during the biodegradation analysis. Bacillus and Salmonella species were used separately, in addition to the consortium of Salmonella, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp for bioremediation of the wastewater. The physical and chemical parameters of abattoir effluents such as Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Electrical Conductivity (EC), temperature, pH, Nitrate and Phosphate concentrations were used in accessing the extend of the effluent’s degradation using standard laboratory procedures. Bacillus spp reduced TDS of the wastewater from 1996.0 mg/l to 430.7 mg/l, EC 2.56 mg/l to 0.671 mg/l, Nitrate 64.5 mg/l to 47.3 mg/l, BOD 947.7 mg/l to 514 mg/l. The consortium of the bacteria reduced TDS 446.3 mg/l to 430.7 mg/l, EC 0.678 mg/l to 0.671 mg/l, Nitrate 44.9 mg/l to 39.9 mg/l, BOD 858.7 mg/l to 473.6 mg/l, Bacillus reduced the pH 7.87 to7. 20, while the consortium reduced the pH 6.77 to 6.16 after 21 days of inoculation and treatment. The results revealed a significant difference (p < 0.05) among the parameters during the period of biodegradation. The results indicated that Bacillus and the consortium of bacteria are promising microorganisms for industrial application of abattoir wastewater.
Vol. 14 No. 87-96 (2023)The presence of good consumable water is a vital resource essentially needed in every given community. Hence, the needs to ensure that water are of good quality and safe at all times for consumption and usage. Therefore, this study investigated the composition of geo-parasites in water sources from Nasarawa Eggon L.G.A of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. A total of 60 water samples were collected respectively from ponds, streams, well and boreholes between the months of March and April, 2022 and physicochemical parameters determined in sites. The Formalin concentration method was employed to microscopically examine the water samples for the presence of parasites egg, cyst and larvae. A total of 32 water samples were found positive for protozoan, nematodes and cestodes. The protozoan E. histolitica (66.3%) recorded the highest contamination while the cestodes(6.12%) were the least encountered parasites. Parasite prevalence was significantly (P = 0.0001) higher in water around the streams (57.14%) while the boreholes recorded zero contamination. The average values of the physicochemical parameters of the water sources were found to have fallen below the permissible limits of WHO and NSDWQ except for pH. The high contamination of parasites in streams suggests that individuals utilizing such water source for domestic usage are at greater risk of water-borne diseases. Since the water from boreholes was observed to record a zero parasite as well as a low parasite from the surrounding soil, it is therefore recommended that more boreholes should be constructed to enable access to safe and good quality water to the inhabitants of the study areas. Also, sensitization on the need to boil water sourced from streams and pond before drinking is here by recommended.
Vol. 14 No. 74-86 (2023)Soymilk, a plant-based drink, contains high nutritional content, including protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. However, its limited shelf life as a result of microbial activities poses a significant challenge. It is a fact that plant extracts inhibit the growth of microorganisms. The objective of this research work was to evaluate the assessment of spoilage in soymilk and explore techniques to extend its shelf life. Samples of sweetened and unsweetened soymilk were acquired from different locations, and transported to the laboratory for analysis. The pour plate method was employed to determine the microbial count and identified the microorganisms. The bacteria isolated include; Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella spp, and Pseudomonas spp, while the fungi isolated were Aspergillus spp, Fusarium spp, and Candida albicans. Furthermore, various plant extracts were tested against the organisms that had the highest population, and it was discovered that Azadirachta indica inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, whereas Sesamum indicum inhibited the growth of Aspergillus spp. This research finding indicated a substandard hygienic level in soymilk production, which contributed to spoilage caused by microorganisms. It also emphasizes the role of plant extracts from Azadirachta indica (Neem leaf) and Sesamum indicum (Sesame Leaf) in extending the shelf life of soymilk, albeit with potential effects on its organoleptic properties.
Vol. 14 No. 65-73 (2023)Biology of fish is useful in the stock assessment of fish in the water body, particularly in the conduct of population analysis of fish, where information on the age of fish is crucial. Some aspects of biology of Clarias gariepinus in Shiroro Reservoir, Niger State, Nigeria was investigated. Sixty – two (62) samples of Clarias gariepinus were collected and used for this study. Twelve (12) morphometric parameters that included weight, pre – dorsal length, head length, standard length, dorsal length, total length, eye diameter, pectoral fin length, body depth, pelvic fin length, anal fin length and caudal peduncle depth were measured with both higher and lower variations. Positive relationship was recorded between head length with pre – dorsal length, standard length with head length, total length with head length and standard length, anal fin length with head length, standard length and total length. Class size of 5.00 - 9.90cm was highest overall, where majority of male (40.32%) and female (33.87%) both also fell within the class 5.00 – 9.900cm. Monthly class size showed variation with 5.00 – 9.90cm recorded throughout the month. Sex ratio of 1:1.07 showed more population of female to male in the reservoir, which did not differ from 1:1 for a balance population. Monthly sex ratio showed more males in April and May, more females in June and balanced population in July. Morphometric parameters with strong positive relationship should be used to describe or differentiate C. gariepinus from other species of fish, catching of C. gariepinus at that period in the reservoir need to be discouraged or removal of small sizes should be stopped, other aspects of biology of Clarias gariepinus such as food composition, fecundity, growth and amongst others need to be studied.
Vol. 15 No. 7- 17 (2024)Food insecurity and climate change directly affect the growing population and these effects can be overwhelming. The vegetable used in this study, Amaranthus cruentus L., which is a very common vegetable in Nigeria, has been confirmed to have some drought-tolerant characteristics. The study was carried out to relatively compare how the physiological properties of Amaranthus cruentus were affected by drought. Sandy-loamy soil was collected and drought treatments of (5, 10, 15, and 20 days) were set up while a control experiment that was not devoid of water at any point was set up. These levels of stress treatments were introduced at twelve (12) Weeks after Planting (WAP). From the study, both the Relative Water Content (RWC) and Net Assimilation Rate (NAR) reduce as treatment levels of drought increase. The stress tolerance index exhibits a little variation across all treatment regimes, for example, the Shoot Length Stress Tolerance Index (SLSTI) of A. cruentus swings gradually as the period of drought stress reduced; nevertheless, on day 10, the treatment showed considerably low (89.33 %) SLSTI. Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) exhibited its activities at the highest in the 15-day group while Catalase (CAT) and Peroxidase (POD) showed the highest expression in the 5-day group in comparison to other groups. The tolerance exhibited by this plant in the face of changing global climatic conditions is fascinating, thus A. cruentus presents itself as a succour for vegetal food availability in this time of global food shortage. Its production should therefore be encouraged.
Parasites associated with wild and cultured fish in selected parts of Niger State, Nigeria
Vol. 14 No. 38-46 (2023)Parasites in fish is of great concern as it affects its host and consumers, despite its high benefits to
man, they are faced with different infections which could mostly be due to human activities around
its environment or through fish handling. This study assessed parasites infecting 5 different fish
host namely Mormyrus rume, Lates niloticus, Bagrus bayad, Clarias gariepinus and Heteroclarias
(hydrid) which were collected randomly from three sampling stations (a dam and two ponds) in
Niger State, Nigeria over a period of 8 months to determine the prevalence of parasite infection in
the various fish host. Fish specimen were collected using line and cast net. All fish samples
collected were transported to the laboratory for parasitological examinations. Sites examined for
parasites were gill, stomach and intestine. Analysis of parasites found in both environments
revealed significant (p<0.05) difference between parasites in fishes. Opisthorchis sp (21.49 %) was
higher compared to other parasites species of which Trichodina sp (3.51 %) is the least from the
wild. Capillaria sp from the ponds studied had higher percentage of infection in the fishes
although pond B (58.33 %) recorded little higher than pond A (50 %) followed by Camallanus sp
with pond A (36.61 %) having higher percentage compare to pond B (16.67 %). C. gariepinus (75
%) had the highest number of parasite infection compared to Heteroclarias (25 %). This study
revealed the presence of parasites infection from the study areas which are indicators of potential
organisms that can cause harm if not properly managed. Routine research is encouraged to monitor
various water bodies either, rivers, dams and ponds in the State to reduce health risk, fish loss and
economic loss.
Survey and control fungal stem rot disease of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) using garlic leaf extracts (Allium sativum L.) in Adamawa State
Vol. 14 No. 23-37 (2023)Groundnut fungal stem rot is one of the most important limiting factors to groundnut
production and one of the most important diseases of groundnut caused by Sclerotium rolfsii
which is a destructive soil-borne fungal pathogen. The survey and control of stem rot disease
of groundnut in Adamawa State was conducted from 2017 to 2023. The research focused on
groundnut incidence and severity of stem rot pathogen, phytochemical screening of the
various garlic parts used and in vitro management of the pathogen using Leaf extracts of
Allium sativum . Samples collected from nine local government areas of Adamawa State were
taken to Plant Science laboratory of Modibbo Adama University, Yola in a dry sterile
polythene bag. Laboratory work was carried out in the Department of Plant Science and
Biotechnology. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) was used for the isolation and in vitro control
trials. The result for incidence of stem rot disease of groundnut from the nine Local
Government Areas of Adamawa State showed Mubi North had the highest incidence of 22.34
%, while Guyuk had the least incidence of 6.75 %. The level of stem rot disease severity
revealed that Ganye recorded the highest severity of 4.60 and Guyuk had the least with 2.40.
Qualitative phytochemical analysis reveals the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols,
steroids and terpenoids in the aqueous garlic leaf extracts. Quantitatively, alkaloids were
recorded as the highest occurring phytochemical with 6.71% while tannins were the lowest
with 1.40%. Plant extract materials were effective in inhibiting the growth of Sc lerotium
rolfsii in vitro. The level of inhibition increased with increase in concentrations. It is
therefore recommended that the use of A. sativum leaf extracts for the management of
groundnut stem rot should be encourage among local farmers at a concentration between
40-60 % because of its effectiveness, affordability and environmental friendliness.
Vol. 14 No. 13-22 (2023)Cercospora Leaf Spot (CLS) of cowpea (Vigna unguigulata L.Walp) is a major constraint
against cowpea cultivation. In the wake of rising cost of chemical control, ecological-friendly
methodsof curbing CLS was studied in Modibbo Adama University, Yola. The main objective
of the study was to determine the effectiveness of neem and pawpaw leaves extracts for the
control of CLS disease ofcowpea while the varieties used include SAMPEA-1, SAMPEA-2,
SAMPEA-10. The study comprised laboratory studies, screen house and field experiments.
The field experiment was a factorial experiment consisting of 20 treatments laid out in a
Randomised Complete Block Design replicated three times with plant extracts placed on the
main plot while varieties placed on the sub-plot during 2019 and 2020 seasons. The obtained
data were analysed using statistical analysis (SAS). The results revealed that all the varieties
were infected by cercospora leaf spot disease at varying levels. On yield parameter, SAMPEA
10 had the highest yield of 2101 followed by SAMPEA 1 with 1999.88 while the least of
911.35 was obtained from SAMPEA 7. For most of the parameters, neem extracts produced
higer results followed by pawpaw extract. Therefore, adoption of neem and pawpaw leave
extract as alternatives and better remedies to CLS disease control is recommended.