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Occurrence and species composition of insect pest associated with some smoked fish species in Bida, Niger State, Nigeria
Vol. 14 No. 7-12 (2023)This study elucidated the insect pest species associated with some fish species in Bida, Niger
state, Nigeria. Three commonly sold smoked fish species in Bida main market (i.e., Clarias
spp, Tilapia spp and Synodontis spp) were obtained. The fish were stored in polythene back
for six weeks; thereafter the insect pest infestation was assessed following standard
procedure. The total number of insect pests infesting each species of fish, as well as the
distribution of the two life stages (larval and adult) of the insects were recorded. Tribolium
spp, Dermestes spp, and Necrobia spp were observed infesting the three fish species of fish.
The highest insect pest recorded was Tribuliu m , followed by Dermestes . The result showed
that Tilapia spp was more susceptible to insect pests infestation (57.3%) followed by
Synodontis spp (24.4%) and then Clarias spp (18.3%). Tribolium spp was more dominant
compare to others insect pest recorded. The adult of all the recorded insect pest was the
main life stages infesting on the smoked fish species. Findings from this study suggest need
for public awareness and need proper attention to protect fish against insect pest infestation.
Vol. 14 No. 135-143 (2023)Bovine fasciolosis is a zoonotic parasitic disease of cattle caused by trematodes usually
Fasciola gigantica and Fasciola. hepatica in the tropics. The disease is found in vast water
lodged and marshy grazing field, condition anticipated to be ideal for the propagation and
maintenance of high prevalence of fasciolosis. This disease is widely distributed in areas where
cattle are raised and there is a niche for Lymnaeid snail. A study to determine the prevalence
of fascioliasis in cattle slaughtered at the Gombe central
abattoir was carried out from October 2022 - April 2023. One Thousand faecal sample of four
breeds of cattle between the age of 1-6yrs slaughtered at the abattoir were examined
forfascioliasis at postmortem. The four breeds of cattle were, White Fulani (955), Red Bororo
(19), Sokoto Gudali (8) and Muturu (18). An overall prevalence of 369 (36.9%) was
recorded. The white Fulani breed was the most infected, with a prevalence of 357 (37.4%),
Red Bororo 6 (31.6%), Sokoto Gudali 1 (12.5%) and Muturu 5 (27.8%). Infection by age
and sex revealed that adults had a higher prevalence of 221 (40.8%), young cattle 148
(32.3%). while males had a prevalence of 174 (31.93%) and females 195 (42.80%). These
differences were statistically significant. The study concludes that fascioliasis is prevalent in
cattle in Gombe central abattoir and could be of economic and public health significance.
Vol. 14 No. 125-134 (2023)The study aimed at evaluating the effect of zinc and selenium treatment on oxidative stress
caused by Trypanosoma brucei brucei infection in the liver and kidney of Wistar rats. Fifty-
four (54) wistar rats were divided into nine groups of six (6) rats each. Group I, II, and III
served as normal, normal rats administered with combined zinc and selenium and T. brucei
brucei infected untreated controls respectively. Rats in groups III-IX were injected
intraperitoneally with a 1x103 parasite load. Groups IV, V, and VI were the pre-treated
infected groups that were administered with a daily dose of 50mg per kilogram body weight
of zinc, 10mg per kilogram body weight of selenium, and a combination of zinc and selenium
respectively for seven (7) days. Whereas Groups VII, VIII, and IX represented the post-
infected treated groups that were administered with a daily dose of 50mg per kilogram body
weight of zinc, 10mg per kilogram body weight of selenium, and a combination of zinc and
selenium respectively for seven (7) days. Administration of Zn and Se caused a significant
(P<0.05) decrease in malondialdehyde (MDA), concentration and in the same way, showed
an improvement in the activities of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD),
catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in liver and kidney homogenate in
Trypanosoma brucei brucei infected treated rats. The findings of this study suggest that
treatment with zinc and selenium effectively mitigated oxidative stress induced by
Trypanosoma brucei brucei infection in the liver and kidney of Wistar rats. The observed
improvements in oxidative status suggest that zinc and selenium possess potent antioxidant
and free radical scavenging properties, thereby highlighting their potential therapeutic utility
in combating trypanosomiasis-associated oxidative damage.
Vol. 14 No. 113-124 (2023)This study elucidated the physicochemical attributes of water bodies in some communities across
River Niger. In-situ measurements of water parameters were carried out for Total Dissolved Solids
(TDS), Temperature, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH, Electrical Conductivity, and Total
Dissolved Oxygen following standard procedures. The water samples were collected, twice every
month, from four different sites from August to December 2023. Samples were collected from two
sites (upstream and downstream) into white plastic bottles which were washed with distilled
water and dried, then were used to collect water from the sampling sites according to standard
procedure. The results obtained showed that the Physico-chemical parameters of the water bodies
in the selected communities varied significantly (P<0.05). Parameters such as Temperature,
Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH, Total Dissolved Oxygen, Total Hardness, Transparency and
Depth were all below permissible limit (WHO) while Electrical Conductivity was far below
permissible limit of WHO. This study established that the surface water harvested from this river
for domestic and agricultural purposes is in a good stand but should be discouraged once there
are build up in the parameters. Findings from this study recommends water quality monitoring of
the river in order to protect the integrity of the aquatic ecosystem.
Detection of alkB and nahAc Genes in Pseudomonas sp. Isolated from Petroleum Contaminated Soil
Vol. 14 No. 102-112 (2023)Petroleum and its byproducts are still the main sources of energy for many different types of
businesses and daily living. However, because some products are acutely poisonous or have
mutagenic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic qualities, their discharge into the environment is a
global problem. Indiscriminate disposal of crude oil into the environment has no doubt
increased hydrocarbon pollution in Nigeria. Microorganisms have been identified as major
contributors in fighting pollution by utilizing hydrocarbons to enhance cell growth and
energy needs. This study was aimed at detecting alkB and nahAc genes from Pseudomonas
sp. isolated from petroleum contaminated soil of Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical
Company (KRPC), Kaduna, Nigeria. Bacteria from the petroleum contaminated soil were
isolated and confirmed using standard biochemical tests and molecular methods. The
bacterial isolates were screened using soil enrichment technique. Out of the 18 bacteria
isolated, Pseudomonas sp. having the highest hydrocarbon utilizing ability was selected for
further studies. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) experiments with specific primers
confirmed the presence of alkB and nahAc genes in Pseudomonas sp. The presence of alkB
and nahAc genes in Pseudomonas sp. from this study indicates that Pseudomonas sp. from
the petroleum contaminated soil may have the potential to degrade petroleum and therefore
be useful in the bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soil.
Identification of parasitic nematodes of Musa paradisiac a L . (plantain) in Otuoke, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
Vol. 14 No. 94-101 (2023)Plantain, Musa paradisiaca L ., is a popular food in West African sub-regions, including
Nigeria, and a primary source of livelihood for a greater percentage of the people in Otuoke
community. Aside being food, the crop Musa paradisiaca L. has traditionally been used as
medicine. Its growth is hampered by soil nematodes. A survey to identify the endemic
nematode pest parasitizing plantain in Bayelsa State was conducted in Otuoke, one of the
plantains producing community in the state. Soil samples were randomly collected from the
root rhizosphere of a plantain mono-cultured farm of three hundred stands by the use of
hand trowel. Roots were also collected at the same time with soil using kitchen knife and
nematodes were extracted using the modified sieve plate technique and were identified to
genera level by means of nematode key. A total of 384 nematodes from 9 genera were
recovered. Among the 384 nematodes reported in this survey, 274 (71.4%) occurred in soil
and root tissues had 110 (28.6%). The occurrence of nematodes in soil and roots in this
survey could be attributed to nematode site of feeding preference. This observation suggests
that high concentration of nutrient around the root rhizosphere can discourage nematodes
from root burrowing. The study opined that nematodes of agronomical importance are
present in Otuoke and awareness should be created to minimized damage severity on
indigenous crops.